Forward Baptist Church, Toronto

Glorify God. Grow in Christ. Go with the Gospel.

Contact Us

Sunday Mornings

Nursery (0-24 months): Our Nursery is staffed with dedicated volunteers for babies 0-24 months. It is open to families at 10:30 am. Please be sure to check your child in at the Check Ins table in the Foyer before taking your child down. 

2&3s: This class offers a small lesson, craft and snack for toddlers and preschool aged children. They are dismissed with the older classes part way through the Worship Service. 

KidZone (JK - Grade 5): Children from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 attend the first part of the Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. and then are dismissed to KidZone part way through. Our lessons are from the Gospel Project which goes through the timeline of the entire Bible, teaching them the Big Picture of the Bible and how Chirst connects to it all! They will learn Bible stories, play games, make crafts, and build friendships with other kids!

Does your child have any special needs that may require support? Do you have any questions or concerns?

Call the church office (416) 699 7156 and ask for Beth, or email her at for more information

Jr. Youth (grades 3-6) 

Join us every every month for ever-changing events, tasty snacks, and a Bible lesson!

Time:  6:30-8:30 pm 

Above the Beach

A free drop-in for parents, caregivers and tots to get together in a casual atmosphere to just hang out and get to know each other. It is also a great way for your child (0-4) to get to know other children and have a group "play date". 
Time: Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 am 

See church calendar for upcoming events!

Questions? Call the church office (416) 699 7156 and ask for Beth, or email her at